Produced for ‘Talk to Me’, the 16th Congress of Performance Art, Sacramento, USA, 2009; in collaboration with other participating artists; a sequel to the Cab Drivers project, where four cab drivers chose or devised destinations of personal significance and then took visitors on a synchronised taxi relay around Penzance; a similar inversion/re-arrangement/questioning of social relations was applied in a hairdressing salon in Sacramento, e.g. who chooses the haircut and who asks the questions; with the hairdresser becoming the focus of the conversation?
‘Talk to Me’, the 16th Congress of Performance Art
Sacramento, USA
Tonya Gibbs (Hairdresser)
Maria Johnstone, Erik Hokanson (‘Clients’)
Lewis Gesner (Camera)
Film consultant and editing: Lily Markiewicz
Hosted by Mosaic Salon, Sacramento.
Campus event, 1975
Huntley and Palmers: a documentary momento, 1976
Cab Drivers, 2006
5 minutes with 5 years (dogs), 2011
© All artworks copyright Fran Cottell.
Website by Royal Jelly Factory.