In situ PIPE

Social Performance, 1999


Fran Cottell’s performance, in situ PIPE began with her standing in a silk white dress and white shoes on the green at the front of the gallery as if she was waiting for someone. Then the dress started to turn blue and blue leaked down her white stockings to her shoes. Then every so often a burst of blue water shot out above her head. The piece ended when her whole attire had turned sky blue. A small crowd gathered around her once her dress was wet and then others came to see what the crowd was watching.

Produced For

‘Interaction’, curated by Emily Druiff (EMCO)


Southwark Park, London


Photography: Maisie Richards Cottell

Related Artworks

wearable print, 1986
Bodylines, 1991
BACK to FRONT, 2011

Fran Fran