
Live Installation, 2004/6


Perception was part of a collaboration with nanotechnologist, Dr Mark Miodownik (NESTA Fellow Kings College London. The proposal was for a low key, time based documentary performance event. Daily at each touring venue the gallery invigilator would use a digital microscope/proscope to take a magnified, photographic, pinpointed image of the fibres making up their clothing, to be exhibited next to them. The intention was to draw attention to a (universal) level of detail of an everyday image that is always present but not usually seen.

Commissioned For

‘arttextiles 3’


Documentary performance, Bury St Edmonds Art Gallery and UK national tour. The exhibition was curated by Sarat Maharaj, Professor of Visual Art and Knowledge Systems at Lund University, Malmo Academy of Arts, Sweden, co-curator Documenta XI, 2002; Jonathan Watkins Director, Ikon Gallery, Birmingham; Susan Hiller artist; DAAD Fellow, Berlin and Sarah Quinton Contemporary Curator, Textiles Museum of Canada.

The exhibition toured Edinburgh City Art Centre, Aberdeen Art Gallery and Museum and Rugby City Museum and Art Gallery, Harley Gallery, Welbeck and Devon Guild of Craftsmen, Bovey Tracey


Photography: Mark Harwood


Catalogue: ISBN 0 9528639 0 5

Related Artworks

Bodylines, 1991
Boundary Condition, 1992
