‘A multi media journey into the world of water’
Addressing human arrogance and superiority in their use and abuse of the environment, the disconnect of consumption and paradox of bottled water; by drawing comparisons between the interdependent circulatory systems of humans, whose bodies are 90%-50% water, and those of the wider environment from the wash basin to the sea.
– from press release
Hull Time Based Arts and Posterngate Gallery, Hull
1988 Posterngate Gallery, Hull
Re-worked for 1989 Chisenhale Dance Space, performed in Chisenhale Gallery
slide projection, 16mm film projection, sound, props
Jan Howarth
photography: Mike Richards
Passing Through, 1987
Seaton Sands,Seaton Carew, 2014
The Blue Line and Source (Archive), 2014
A Meeting Outside Time, 1988
The Blue Line, 1988
Skylight, 1992
Projected Landscape, 1993
GoldfishSCALE, 2000
© All artworks copyright Fran Cottell.
Website by Royal Jelly Factory.